CAUGHT WITH MY PANTS DOWN! So last night I got a magic glyph, good right? It even came with a village spot that is only 12 cells away from my ideal spot. Yeah except I wasn't prepared for it. Now I am rushing to get the needed CP to settle in Molten Ashlands. Geeze I can't believe I was this unprepared. Not enough CP, no settlers, no army in MA. So now it is a race. One that I think I will lose cause Holophobia says in the chat that he is ready to settle in MA. Already has 50 CP?? Crazy! I am struggling to find my 35 CP I need to settle there (being on a 4 village strategy so far). Well I am doing my best to get there. Either way I need to get there asap cause I need the extra resources etc. So I canceled all my construction and queued up my council halls. But they were all already at level 8 so to get to level 9 takes a day to do. I sent a wolf army with a scroll of recall to MA. That'll take 20 hours assuming they don't get in a fight to which they will lose so that will add like 2-3 hours more on to the trip. Then I re-assigned two of my hero armies to just go and claim knowledge obelisks. My next CP award in research will take 3 days 20 hours to get. Right now I have to build one council hall to level 10 so that is an additional 1 day 12 hours on top of 23 hours (level 9). So my goal is to try and get enough research to reduce my CP reward below the amount of time it would take to get to level 10 council hall. We'll see if it works. I also just bought a scroll of stone portal and I am waiting to get a scroll of recall so I can send my hero there and then call out my settlers. So for both CP and getting to my village I have multiple ways to achieve these we'll see which of them ends up being the fastest. Also retasked one of my dragon obelisk armies to go and search ruins in the hopes that I find an item with CP or research boost.
Mid-day: Found a research parchment +10% on research. Sacrificed gold +28% on research. Now my reward is down to 3 days and a couple minutes out.
Day's end: Re-tasked all my armies to search knowledge obelisks. Got next CP down to 2days 10 hours now. By next morning it should be down even further. Looking good so far. Only problem is that I have no idea where anyone else is in settling. Had to re-route my wolf army so that added +4 hours but that shouldn't effect the end time so long as they don't get in a fight tonight. See you tomorrow!
haha that's why it's always good to plan and prepare in advance silly :)